October 22, 2008

Increase PageRank, Increase Revenue

Posted in Blogging tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , at 8:43 am by Craig

Unfortunately, most text ads are related to how much PageRank your blog has. BlogRoll Please, like many ad networks, pays much higher monthly rates for blogs with a high PageRank.

So how can you increase PageRank?

The easy answer is links. The more links you get, the higher your PageRank will go (this is a simplistic explanation).

If you are a wordpress blogger (on the wordpress domain), you can add a handful of descriptive tags to your post. These tags will get you links (and therefore PageRank) from other WordPress pages.

You can also comment on other WordPress bloggers posts (while logged in). We advise you to post thoughtful comments, don’t just post for the sake of posting. Have something to contribute and post comments. The more you do, the more PageRank will come back to your page.

Other than that, ask your friends who have websites or blogs to link to you.

Try to get 10 links from friends and post on others’ blogs two times a week, and put up a post on your blog at least 3 times a week.

That’ll get your PageRank up and your ad revenue doubling or tripling.

Once you have a blog pulling in about $200 / month (which I do), you can create 5 more blogs.